Oh Crap...the Holidays: stories Rockwellian, Hallmarkian, Orwellian
Tuesday, Dec. 12 / 7:30 - 9:30 (doors open 6:30)
Hey Nonny / Arlington Heights
What is UP with the holidays? They take up more of our time and energy, but seem to give back less every year. This month, tellers deconstruct the most craziest time of the year with stories about Thanksgiving day brawls, New Year’s surprises, the Worst Gift Ever, the BEST gift ever, family outings from hell, and of course...the traditional Christmas day murder.
This show is appropriate for age 13 and up. All sales are final - no refunds or exchanges.

Education director & senior producer, Storycollider

Communications Director, Teach for America

At-home parent, podcaster & community volunteer

Medical school instructor

Legal eagle

Director of Professional Development, Trinity College

Software engineer

Healthcare executive
Diane Kastiel is the producer and host of First Person Live. A writer and storyteller from Chicago, she’s a three-time winner of the National Public Radio’s Moth StorySLAM; her work has been featured on the Moth Radio Hour, its podcast, and at special events for WBEZ, NPR’s Chicago affiliate. Diane has told stories on stage at The Second City, Steppenwolf, the Park West, Victory Gardens and other theaters as well as comedy clubs, art galleries, the basement of a tattoo parlor - she even did a show in the middle of the woods! Diane works with libraries, schools, community centers and homeless shelters to bring storytelling to a wider audience, and leads storytelling workshops at Northwestern University. Diane is an alumna of The Second City Conservatory and the University of Chicago’s Great Books program. She also has an MBA from Northwestern University's Kellogg Graduate School of Management…just in case.
Lily Be, award-winning storyteller and first Latina Moth GrandSLAM champion, lives to support the arts and communities through storytelling. She’s the creator and producer of Stoop-Style Stories, which produces stories by people from marginalized communities, and the education director and senior producer at Storycollider, an organization that helps people share true personal stories about science. Lily also sits on the board of directors of The Hairpin Arts Center and The Prop Theater.
Clifton Johnson is a recovering social worker who currently leads internal communications at Teach For America. During his time as a Peace Corps volunteer in the Kingdom of Tonga, Cliff taught a youth theater troupe named “Tala Kei Kapa Na’a To Ki Mala,” which roughly translates to a warning about being eaten by devils. His other theater experience includes teaching youth improv in Chicago and writing/performing numerous plays. Cliff’s previously won a Moth StorySLAM and a national Peace Corps storytelling competition. Cliff enjoys writing fiction, watching movies, and making/consuming enough pizza to cancel out whatever exercise he got that day.
Anne McNamee-Keels is a parent, podcaster, and the former reigning Wrightwood Irish Princess of Chicago’s South Side Irish Parade (5- to 7-year-old division). She’s also the cohost and producer of Lapsed, a podcast about growing up Catholic. Anne previously ran the education department of Adventure Stage Chicago and has facilitated drama residencies in countless classrooms from Chicago to Texas to India. She currently is a board member and volunteer facilitator for Race Conscious Dialogues. Anne lives in Oak Park with her husband, two sons, and two very furry dogs.
Errol McLendon spends his day portraying patients for medical students and guiding them in developing communication skills. He is also an adjunct professor at Indiana University Medical School. Errol has told stories at many of the venues in Chicago and is a recent Moth StorySLAM winner (with the story he’s telling tonight!). Errol also has developed a solo show he hopes to tour next summer, and a series of middle grade books he plans to publish this year.
Adam Bottner is a former litigator and, for the past 14 years, director of business development for a legal technology company. Born in New York, lived in Pittsburgh, and raised in unincorporated Des Plaines (“the Third City”), he is a frequent Moth story teller and multiple Moth StorySLAM winner, featured on the Moth Radio Hour and its podcast. Adam is a graduate of The Second City Training center and has written multiple screenplays, including his most recent, "Searching for Frenchy Fuqua." He lives in Buffalo Grove and is the father of two amazing sons and the former owner of Freddy, an eyelash-crested gecko, whom he misses very much.
Susan Rohde credits God’s guidance and grace in making a couple of amazing decisions: going back to school to earn a bachelor’s degree from Northwestern University at age 35, and marrying a terrific man (celebrating 25 years of marriage!) who is patient enough to listen to all her stories...over and over. Their children are all either foster or adopted which, along with their two dogs, makes for an “interesting family life,” for which they are very grateful. Susan is Director of Professional Development for a higher education institution.
Steve Glickman has been telling stories at weddings and funerals his whole life to wide critical acclaim. He is the co-host of a monthly open-mic storytelling event in Chicago, and regularly performs at storytelling shows around the city. Steve is a software engineer by day and a proud nerd. He loves classical music and can often be seen air-conducting whatever symphony or opera is playing on his iPod or in his head. Steve lives in the Uptown neighborhood of Chicago with his partner Mark and their imaginary dog Ruffles.
Paul Teodo is a retired healthcare executive. Born and raised on Chicago's south side, he’s been telling stories in real life for 67 years and on stage for the past eight. Paul is a five-time Moth StorySLAM winner and a Moth GrandSLAM Champion, invited to perform in New York at the prestigious Moth Ball and featured on CBS Sunday Morning. His novels, "Pastaman," and “Call Me Z,” and his story collection “South of Cermak” are available on Amazon. Paul raised two great sons as a single dad and is a lifelong dog lover.