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Each show has a different theme and a fresh group of storytellers. We are always looking for new storytellers and reviewing story submissions. 

In addition, open-mic spots may be available at the start of the show. Open mic stories do not have to be on theme, but must follow all the guidelines below.
  • Stories should be told “off book,” meaning no notes or props. Don’t stress about memorizing your story – just practice it enough so that you can tell it smoothly.
  • Stories should be 5-7 minutes long (1000 words absolute max).
  • The best test of a story is this: Does it have a clear beginning, middle, and end? If not, it’s probably an essay, speech or stand-up routine, and not a good fit for our show.
  • Stories must be true and about something that happened to you – not your aunt or your friend or your neighbor. Let them tell their own story!
  • Stories can be funny, sad, scary, thought-provoking – we want a variety.
  • This is an 18+ show so no topic is off limits. 
  • The best stories come from the heart – that’s more important than clever wording or polished delivery, and always resonate most with the audience.


Thanks for submitting a story to First Person Live! Please complete all fields. Response time varies based
on volume of submissions, but if your story is looks like a fit for the show, you'll hear back in a few weeks.
Please note that the screen resets itself to a blank form when your story is successfully sent. You'll  see a confirmation at the bottom of the form, or an error message if all fields are not completed.

Your submission was succesfully sent - thank you! If your story is a good fit for the show, you'll hear back in a few weeks.

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