9 to 5: Stories about work
Thursday, June 13 7:30 - 9:30
Big Shot Piano Lounge, downtown Arlington Heights
Work: Can't live without it, can't find a way to just get the paycheck. This month, tellers talk shop - stories about power-drunk bosses, sadistic customers, promotions gone wrong, demotions gone right, work that saves lives, and the weirdest tutoring gig ever (two words: Frau Steiner).
Content is appropriate for ages 18+. ID's will be required to purchase alcohol.

Producer and host, First Person Live

Clinical psychologist

High school student

College student

At-home dad

Healthcare executive

Math teacher

Lyft driver & T-shirt designer

Diane Kastiel
Diane Kastiel is the producer, director, and host of First Person Live. A writer and storyteller from Chicago, she’s a three-time winner of the National Public Radio’s Moth StorySLAM; her work has been featured on the Moth Radio Hour, its podcast, and at special events for WBEZ. Diane has told stories on stage at The Second City, the Park West, Victory Gardens and other theaters - but also in more unconventional settings, including comedy clubs, art galleries, the basement of a tattoo parlor, homeless shelters – she even did a show in the middle of the woods! Diane is an alumna of The Second City Conservatory and the University of Chicago’s Great Books program, and has an MBA from Northwestern University…just in case.

Ken Kaye
Ken Kaye is a retired psychologist, author of the parenting book Family Rules and a short story collection, Birds of Evanston. In retirement he's writing plays, trying to win a Moth StorySLAM and making America great again by teaching English to immigrants. Ken lives in Evanston with his wife, Janice.

Jennifer Garcia
Jennifer Garcia is a full-time high school student with two part-time jobs. But her great passion is writing, exploring themes of politics, injustice and love. Jennifer is a two-time winner of the Glenbard West High School’s poetry slam and plans to make it a strike her senior year. She is not sure what her future career holds but, instead of saving the world, she hopes to inspire one person each day with the choices she makes.

Archy Jamjun
Archy Jamjun is a writer from Chicago, currently pursuing his MFA at Roosevelt University and working on a collection of short stories.Since winning the Chicago's Biggest Liar Contestin 2014 and the Chicago Moth GrandSLAMin 2015, Archie has told stories all over the city. He’s excited to now perform in the ‘burbs because he is originally a suburbanite himself.

Tim Schreiber
Tim Schreiber has been a meat clerk, a pizza driver, a busboy, a library assistant, a columnist, a reporter, a student, a fellow, a teacher, a reference librarian, and a landlord - but he’s given all of that up (for the time being) to stay home with his two young children. (Let’s hear it for the dads!). Although he has been writing and telling stories all his life, Tim just recently caught the bug of formal storytelling in front of a live audience, completing his first two Moth StorySLAMs this fall, placing a very close second both times. He enjoyed it so much that he looks forward to coming up short again.

Paul Teodo
Paul Teodo is a retired healthcare executive. Born and raised on Chicago's south side, he’s been telling stories in real life for 65 years and on stage for the past six years. Paul is a five-time Moth StorySLAM winner and a Moth GrandSLAM Champion, invited to perform in New York at the prestigious Moth Ball and featured on CBS Sunday Morning. Paul's first novel, "Pastaman," is available on Amazon and he is working on a second one. Paul raised two great sons as a single dad and is a lifelong dog lover.

Steve Miller
Steve Millerhas been a high school math teacher for 16 years. His favorite topic is algebra and his favorite victims are freshmen. Prior to teaching, Steve practiced patent law, where he sub-specialized in disposable absorbent nonwoven hygiene products (aka, tampons and diapers). He enjoys playing guitar, seeing movies, and walking his dog, Amelia.

Nestor Gomez
Nestor Gomezwas born in Guatemala and moved to Chicago in the mid-80s. He told his first story at a Moth StorySLAM as a way to get over stuttering. He won the slam that night and has not stopped telling stories since and currently holds the record for most Chicago Moth StorySLAM wins He’s also the creator, producer, curator and host of80 Minutes Around the World: an Immigration Storytelling Showwhict showcases stories of immigrants and their allies. But if you ask him, he will say his greatest achievements are making his mother proud and winning the heart of his new wife, Sweet Mel.